

the PIA

Installing and Using the PIA

Installing and Using the PIA

The process of installing and setting up the PIA is described in the PIA Installation Manual. Running, configuring, and using the PIA is described in Using the PIA.

Both of these documents are packaged for downloading along with the PIA; you may prefer to read them on your own disk after unpacking the files. The process of obtaining and unpacking the files is described in Downloading the PIA; the unpacking process is discussed briefly in the Installation Manual.

The files can be updated with the latest patches and features from our CVS repository, as described on the cvs page , after which you should do make clean and make to incorporate the changes.

Questions, Problems, or Comments

You can check for known bugs by going to http://www.risource.org/PIA/

Questions, problems and comments should be directed to PIA-bugs@risource.org.

Copyright 1999 Ricoh Innovations, Inc.
$Id: install.html,v 1.10 2001/01/12 01:45:28 steve Exp $