PIA / src

[..] [files] ( app java )

This is the top-level directory for source code (other than PIA Agents and Applications) generated by members of the PIA Project. This includes, for example, the Java source code for the PIA itself, tools and other applications, and so on.

This directory also includes copies of a small number of software packages obtained elsewhere (for example, the Java interfaces of the World Wide Web Consortium's Document Object Model). We believe that we are permitted, under their respective licenses, to distribute these packages, and we include a link back to their ``official'' homes on the Internet. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that the versions included here are the most recent ones.

This directory subtree need not be included in a binary-only software based on the PIA, provided a link is provided to the location of the sources on the Web.

Note that a C port of the PIA is in progress, and is located at sourceforge.net/projects/cpia/ , with a project home page at cpia.sourceforge.net.

Annotated Contents

Separate, stand-alone applications meant to be executed from a command line or other shell. Utilities.
Java packages. (Note that Java does not distinguish between a class library and an application, so we can put them all in one place.)
The java/ subdirectory does not correspond to the ``java.*'' package -- it is instead the root of the Java language package hierachy. The simplest thing is to cd to the java/ subdirectory and run programs like javac and javadoc from there.

Typical Make Targets

All software in this distribution is designed to be built using the GNU version of the make utility. It may be possible to build it on a DOS-based system provided you have GNU make and a totally Bourne-compatible shell such as GNU bash.

make all
Make all binaries.
make doc
Make documentation (mainly installed in ../Doc and its subdirectories).
make install
Install executables in pia/bin, and libraries in pia/lib.

Naming Conventions

In general, source code sub-directories that correspond to ``packages'' or ``modules in object-oriented programming languages like Perl and Java obey the naming conventions of those languages. So, for example, the subdirectories of perl (if it existed) would have uppercase module names, while the subdirectories of java have lowercase package names.

Copyright © 1997-2000 by Ricoh Innovations, Inc.
$Id: HEADER.html,v 1.9 2001-04-03 23:27:06 steve Exp $
      Name                    Last modified      Size  Description
Parent Directory - Makefile 2012-04-01 16:18 1.0K app/ 2012-04-01 16:18 - java/ 2012-04-01 16:18 -